Wednesday, February 15, 2012

New pictures posted

One year later the library is still going strong!  Look for new pictures at the end of the album.

Library featured in brochure

We are excited to report that the library is prominently featured in a new school brochure.  The school faculty has told us the library has helped increased school enrollment and prestige in the community.  Visitors from others schools in the area have come by to learn about the library so they can establish their own.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Guest post from Pastor Arnold

Below is a guest post from Pastor Arnold, head of the Baptist Church where Maramboso is located.  Pastor Arnold asked Leigh to thank everyone on his behalf but instead, we convinced him to write a note so he could let everyone know directly.


Dear Friends, from America, I am Pastor Arnold Manase one of the
in charge of Maromboso English Medium School.

We are very much thankful for the donation of library and we are very
much encouraged in providing opportunity for children to read the
books and have a good foundation of education.

This school became one of the school among many schools which do not
have library but now we got one.  And we appreciate so much for your
love and generosity.  May god bless you all.  We invite you to join us
in serving the need in any opportunity we get in this world.

Again thank you very much and may God bless you we pray that God gives
you his blessing.

Pastor Arnold Manase

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Open library

After a week of small-group instruction and tours of the space, the Maromboso students are starting to feel at home in their new library. Some children already have favorite books, and many of the older students are making use of the reference section -- we can see them looking up definitions to words that they read in their storybooks. Generally, the library remains open from 3pm - 5pm after school (and after the 2pm story hour in the yard), with some students staying all the way until the doors close.

On the bulletin board, Maromboso youth take advantage of the "Look What I Learned:" section (take a look at the pictures for examples).  With paper and pencils available on the tables, students make the most of the opportunity to share their newfound knowledge with each other.  While some basic posts just serve as "practice" for kids who want to write and post some(any)thing, manynof the students write surprisingly insightful notes with great lessons.  It's hard not to be proud of these children who are so eager to learn, so willing to share, so excited to try something new, and so full of potential.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Now open: Maramboso School Library!

On Tuesday, January 18th we officially opened the doors on the new Maramboso School Library! 

The event was a huge gala with students, staff and the press all in attendance.  After the requisite dedication speeches in Swahili, everyone had a chance to enter the library for the first time.  The library is stocked with the following:
-  ~700 story books (more coming from the US!)
-  ~100 non-fiction books
-  ~800 Tanzanian text books purchased in Arusha
-  Art projects from every student at the school (Thanks to Leigh!)

Leigh and I are incredibly thankful for the 100+ sponsors of this incredible project.  None of this would have been possible without your generosity.  Your donations will truly make a difference in the education of the children at Maramboso.

The photo album has many more pictures from the event.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Library Grand Opening - January 18

The grand opening for the library is now scheduled for January 18....but we do make some exceptions!

Reading in the library before it's open - it's allowed!